The week of the 6th of April I will be starting new activities related to developing individual awareness and community support. Do you want to join me? Everyone will be very welcome!
Are you ready for the new Era? Where people are more important than money “again”… I am
What is happening (and what is still to come) is a tremendous punch to capitalism, a warning for us to start cooperating with each other because it does not work alone. The “me”, “me”, “me” leads us to destruction if we do not transform it into “us”. And it is curious that we have to be isolated to overcome this virus.

What is the symbol, what does it mean? It means we can only improve the situation through the collectives as long as our level of consciousness increases on a personal basis. We must take responsibility for the situation at the individual level and provide answers and remedies at the collective.
It is no longer worth blaming the other or the system, each of us is part of the system and relates to the other. Therefore, an individual attitude has a very important collective consequence.

So it’s time to take care of us but with the others in mind 🙂